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Medical caster manufacturers improve the nature of flexible workplaces

    With the development of science and technology, the consumer market has higher and higher requirements for the function and quality of medical caster manufacturers. The cycle of replacement of medical casters is getting shorter and shorter, and the complexity of products is also increasing. Mass production methods have been challenged. Flexibility and productivity are contradictory in high volume production. As we all know, only a single species, large batch, equipment-specific, stable process, high efficiency, can constitute economies of scale. In order to meet the needs of the market and improve the flexibility and efficiency of the products of medical casters, experts recommend that medical caster manufacturers should shorten the production cycle, reduce the cost of products and continuously improve the products of medical casters. Additional value.


    The lean production method, also known as the just-in-time production method, can only be understood from the concept of “just-in-time”, which means that the necessary products, when necessary, only produce the necessary quantities. Only in this way can we achieve the ultimate goal of generating benefits by reducing costs.

    In order to adapt to the changes in market demand, the number of operators on the job site is flexible, so as to achieve the purpose of "just-in-time", which is called less humanization in lean production. Market demand is increasingly demanding the function and quality of products, the cycle of product renewal is becoming shorter and shorter, and the complexity of products is also increasing. Traditional mass production methods are challenged. Flexibility and productivity are contradictory in high volume production. As we all know, only a single variety, large batch, equipment-specific, process-stable, high efficiency, can constitute economies of scale; on the contrary, multi-variety, small-scale production, equipment specificity is low, in the case of similar processing, frequent adjustments Work fixtures, the process stability is difficult to increase, and production efficiency is bound to be affected. In order to simultaneously improve the flexibility and production efficiency of the manufacturing industry, under the premise of ensuring product quality, shortening the production cycle and reducing the product cost, small batch production can compete with mass production, and a flexible production line emerges as the times require.

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